A Celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics in South Carolina

The Festivals

The iMAGINE festivals are annual event showcasing PreK-12 education and career pathways in Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEAM) through fun, hands-on learning for families.

iMAGINE Lakelands STEAM Festival
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iMAGINE Upstate STEAM Festival
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Kinetic Derby Day featuring iMAGINE STEAM
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iMAGINE Lakelands
STEAM Festival

Uptown Greenwood To Be Announced

iMAGINE Upstate
STEAM Festival

Downtown Greenville April 5, 2025
11 AM - 5 PM

Kinetic Derby Day
featuring iMAGINE STEAM

West Columbia April 26, 2025
10 AM - 3 PM
iMAGINE Lakelands STEAM Festival
Stay Tuned for the Next Festival Date!
iMAGINE Upstate STEAM Festival Saturday, April 05, 2025 11:00 AM
Kinetic Derby Day featuring iMAGINE STEAM Finding your local time...

iMAGINE on the Move

The iMAGINE on the Move van brings the festival experience to Upstate communities all year round.

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iMAGINE STEAM Program Goals

Goal 1
Goal 1
Celebrate STEAM, innovation, and entrepreneurial activity in South Carolina
Goal 2
Goal 2
Promote Pre K-12 education and workforce development with an emphasis on student readiness.
Goal 3
Goal 3
Raise awareness and educate students, families, and professionals about STEAM career opportunities in South Carolina.
Goal 4
Goal 4
Ignite an interest in STEAM for PreK-12 students and cultivate lifelong learning through hands-on experiences that connect to 21st century careers.
Goal 5
Goal 5
Increase opportunities for under- represented groups and promote equity in STEAM education and careers.

iMAGINE is a program of South Carolina’s Coalition for Mathematics & Science (SCCMS) at Clemson University.

The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
Creating a rich environment for students to develop excellent technical skills and a broad set of abilities that position them as the intellectual leaders of tomorrow.
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SC's Coalition for Mathematics and Science
South Carolina's Coalition for Mathematics and Science
Working together everywhere that STEM matters to address STEM education challenges in our State through partnerships, advocacy and public engagement.
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